Thursday, September 13, 2012

5 weeks till take-off!

Brad and Randy with the SIX

The count down to take off continues for the Abbey Animal Final Fixit Program in St. Croix.  We are getting closer… only about 5 weeks till take off.  I have been watching the weather closely and I have been in touch with two pilots down there. They have given me some advise about the trip.  I am currently in the hunt for a life raft… just in case.  Alli has been in touch with several companies and is waiting to hear from them.  Brad and I are in the process of putting together an itinerary so we can know a little more about what to expect.  I know that we will have to rent a car to get around the island.  Other then all that, things are on track!

I was able to fly down to Triple Tree Flyin ( with my Flybuddy Tim this past weekend.  We decided that we need to get our wives to come with us next year as it was tons of fun.  Flying there was a great way to test my cross country skills.  

Tim is a fellow pilot and was able to serve as a "Safety Pilot" while I practiced some IFR flying.  The weather was great until we got there… then we had to fly in near minimums (one mile and clear of clouds).  There were lots of Experimental aircraft and vintage fabric planes there.  The only thing that we had to watch out for were the Fire Ants… those suckers are fast and painful!  Fortunately the staff was quick to treat any mounds that cropped up.  I took a picture so you can watch out for them if you see the mounds.
Fire Ant Mound!

Ok, back to work and more coffee!  Thanks for everyone's support, Bye for now, Robin

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